
Golf Club Style

Jim Furyk At The World Golf Championship

Why You Should Carry A Backup Game Of Golf

Most people have a misconception. They feel the main difference between a PGA or European tour pro and themselves is the ability to crush the ball 300 yards off the tee and shape their irons at will. While this is a significant difference between a tour pro and the average golfer, to their scores, this is not the main difference. Of course, the ability to hit long drives and shape shots helps. However, it is certainly not the main differentiating …

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Pint Of Beer At The Golf Course

Walking The Line – The Perfect Balance Of Alcohol On The Golf Course

We’ve all been there before. You’re halfway through a round of golf, and quite frankly you are NOT playing your best. You’re leaking drives left and right. Every last approach is finding the sand, and when you finally did hit a green in regulation, you promptly three-putted. Suddenly your relaxing golf trip is turning into an 18-hole marathon of living hell. The only thing keeping you sane is the thought of an ice-cold beer at the end of the round. …

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Upset male golfer because he made common amateur golfer mistakes

Three Common Amateur Golfer Mistakes To Avoid

Three Deadly Amateur Mistakes To Avoid “Never judge a person for their mistakes, judge a person on how they fix them” – Unknown author Let’s face it. Amateur golfers make a lot of mistakes. Heck, even professional golfers make a lot of mistakes. But that is the nature of golf. To quote the great Ben Hogan, “This is a game of misses. The guy who misses the best is going to win”. However, even if we accept golf is a …

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Steal a tour pros pre-shot routine

Steal A Tour Pros Pre-Shot Routine

Golfers have a big advantage over other sportsmen and sportswomen. We have the gift of time. No, I’m certainly not talking about the amount of time it takes to play a round of golf – for that is definitely not on our side! In fact, a work colleague once told me that he didn’t play golf because it takes up so much time it is more of a lifestyle choice than a sport! So, what is this gift of time …

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The Ultimate List of Golf Course Types – Ten Unique Design Styles

The Ultimate List of Golf Course Types – Ten Unique Design Styles

Do you know all the different styles of golf course? You might be surprised to discover just how many exist. Chances are you have already heard of Links, Parkland and Desert. But other styles are more niche. Have you ever played a Woodland Golf Course? How about Heathland, Sandbelt or Snow? We put together the ultimate list of golf course design styles. How many have you played? The Famous Three Styles Of Golf Course Links Golf Courses This is truly …

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Golf course at sunrise

Case Study – My Own Golf Goals For 2021

This is a short follow up post from my last article on selecting golf goals for the new year. I will highlight the golf goals I have chosen for the new year and why I selected them. WAIT, don’t stop reading yet. I know you are probably thinking, “I don’t care what some random blog writer is trying to achieve next year, I’m going to go back to looking at Christmas pictures of people I don’t even like on Facebook”. …

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Selecting The Right Golf Goals For 2021 - Golf ball, club and trophy

New Year Golf Objectives – Setting The Right Goals For A Successful Year On The Links

Regardless of what we desire in life, it is essential that we set goals to give us direction and keep us on track. There are several further benefits to setting goals. They help us make important decisions, prioritise what matters, and motivate us to move forward. A list of carefully planned and considered objectives can often be the difference between success and failure. We all know golf is an ongoing pursuit of continuous improvement. The satisfaction is not only in …

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Person practising their putting at home

Can You Really Improve Your Golf At Home?

Unless you are fortunate enough to own a house on a golf course, your options for improving your golf at home are somewhat limited. You could do what I did when I was a kid and try to chip balls from the grass in your back garden through your bedroom window … trust me when I say risking a glass windowpane is a pretty good way to simulate tournament pressure! (before anyone feels too bad for my parents, I was …

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Ben Hogan Golf Swing

Beyond The Modern Fundamentals – An Alternative Five Lessons Of Golf From Ben Hogan

Ben Hogan’s 1957 book, “Five Lessons: The Modern Fundamentals of Golf” is considered by many professionals to be the ‘bible of golf instruction’. Unsurprisingly the book is divided into … you guessed it … five lessons! The first four lessons look at different fundamentals of the golf swing including the grip, stance and posture, the backswing, and the downswing. The final lesson is a review. Despite being published over sixty years ago many modern professionals and ‘golf gurus’ believe the …

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Practice On A PGA Tour Driving Range

How To Practice Golf Like A Tour Pro

There are some parts of golf you have no excuse for getting wrong. You can always grip the club correctly. You can always have the proper stance, good posture and accurate alignment. These are the parts of the game you have time to set up correctly because they occur before you even begin the backswing. The only thing standing between you and performing these actions perfectly every time is the amount of care you take. Good news, there is another …

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